EASE Letters

Guideline for Authors

Guideline for Authors


EASE Letters publishes papers examining issues associated with science education relevant to East Asian countries’ culture and heritage. The issues can range from macro- to ground-level topics in various scales, from a country’s indigenous issues to global concerns. By addressing diverse issues, we aim to contribute to sharing various voices from East Asian countries, facilitating collaboration among them, and contributing to the development of policies and practices.


Open Access

EASE Letters is a fully open access online-only journal. The author(s) keep full copyright and give EASE Letters permission to publish the manuscript online.


Ethical and Legal Conditions

EASE Letters is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in publishing and to ensuring that all authors, reviewers, and editors adhere to these standards. The journal strives to follow the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We encourage authors to explore COPE’s resources (https://publicationethics.org/).


Online Submission

Authors should submit their manuscript online by sending an e-mail with attached manuscript file to easeletters22@gmail.com


Double-blind Peer Review

EASE Letters uses a double-blind peer review system.
Authors are asked to submit a separate title page that 
includes the full title of the manuscript, the names and institutional address of all authors, a corresponding author’s contact information, the abstract, keywords, and any acknowledgement texts. This page will not be accessible to the referees. All other files (e.g., manuscript, figures, tables, etc.) should not contain any information concerning author names, institutions, etc. The names of these files and the document properties should also be anonymized.


Manuscript Formatting

Authors can use a manuscript template file (.docx) to follow the suggested manuscript format.
– Manuscript template: 

 Page Formatting

All manuscript pages should be formatted in Letter (8.5 X 11 inch) or ISO standard A4 paper (8.27 X 11.7 inch) size. Please ensure that your manuscript is double-spaced, has 1-inch margins, and uses 12-point Times New Roman font or equivalent. Text for tables and figures could be set to 10-point Times New Roman font or equivalent.


The journal uses American English and the editors reserve the right to alter usage to that end. Simple sentence structures and clear expression are encouraged for the benefit of all readers.


The manuscript should be no more than 16 pages, excluding title page and appendices.


Manuscript Structure

Submissions should contain the following elements in this order:

      1. Title page file

a.       Include the full title of the manuscript, names and affiliations of all authors, e-mail address of a corresponding author, abstract and keywords, acknowledgement

b.      The abstract should provide a summary of the key points not exceeding 250 words.

c.   3 to 5 keywords should be provided for the benefit of indexing and abstracting services.

      2. Manuscript file

a.   Include the title of manuscript, abstract, keywords, main text, and references.

b.   Figures and tables should be included in the manuscript file and with legends.


Headings must be clearly distinguished by their typography as follows:




Second-Level Heading






Fourth-level heading.


      · First-level headings should be in bold and center justified, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.

      · Second-level headings should be in bold, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.

      · Third-level headings should be in bold italics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.

      · Fourth-level headings should be in italics and ends with a punctuation mark.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be placed in the manuscript file.

A minimum of 300 dpi resolution is required for photographs and illustrations. TIFF, JPEG or PNG files are preferred.

All figures should be accompanied by a legend. Legend should be concise but comprehensive. Include (1) the figure number, and (2) definitions/explanations of any symbols and abbreviations used in the figure.


This journal uses APA style for literature references. We encourage authors to explore the APA citation style guide website (https://apastyle.apa.org/).


Please use footnotes only if necessary. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page, with the numerical sequence running throughout the article.


Appendices include information that is not essential to the article, but provides supporting information and/or background. Appendices can be placed at the end of
the manuscript file.