ISSN : 2951-6420
An Open Access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal, which is established in 2022 and issued by the East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE).
The EASE is a global cooperative of international science education research institutions, scholars, and educators working to understand and improve science education worldwide since 2009. The active working regions are mostly east-asia currently. More than 15 countries are actively involved in the EASE network, and 7 regions – Main land china, Taiwan, Hong kong, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia – participate in our association.
Welcome to the EASE Letters homepage.
Rapid changing of science and technology, and the impacts of pandemic covid-19 have been influencing the science education. EASE aims to facilitate members by sharing and discussing the alternative solutions to overcome the problem in science education. Sharing in science educational systems across the regions play a critical role in helping nations in East-Asian regions. Through this EASE forum, it is ultimately hoped that EASE members’ understanding of science education research and practice and will lead us to the progress of education.
EASE conference, students programs, and EASE Letter become media to fulfil the aims. The 2009 EASE Conference at Taiwan, the 2011 EASE Conference at Korea, the 2013 Hong Kong conference, the 2015 Beijing Conference, EASE 2016 Tokyo Conference, the 2018 Hualien, Taiwan Conference, the 2021 EASE Conference at Japan, and the 2022 EASE conference at Daegu Korea has had great success in the leadership of previous presidents. On 2024, the EASE Conference will be held by Indonesia region. EASE has also run five summer or winter schools, 2010 in Taipei, 2012 in Beijing, the winter school, (EASE-APCTP winter school 2014), in Seoul, Korea, EASE Summer School 2017 in Shaanxi, China. 2018 Autumn School in Shizuoka, Japan, 2022 EASE Summer School in Bandung, Indonesia, and next year it will be conducted in Thailand.
For the Asian countries, collaboration in research and practice will keep its quality. Therefore, it is highly valuable to develop international collaboration not only Asian countries but also European and North American countries, and eventually among with all over the world.
Let’s collaborate for better science education!

Prof. Dr. Anna Permanasari, M.Si
The Eight President East Asian Association for Science Education
President of Indonesia Association of Science Educator
Professor of Science Education, Universitas Pakuan
About EASE
- Fostering networks among researchers
- Being a platform of collaboration and cooperation
- Contributing to policies and practices through research
- Enhancing research relevant to our culture and heritage
- To enhance the range and quality of research, teaching and learning in science education in East Asia
- To provide a platform for collaboration in science education research
- To seek to relate research to the policy and practice of science education
- To represent the professional interests of science education researchers
- To foster links between science education researchers in East Asia and similar communities elsewhere in the world
- EASE Constitution (Updated June 2021)
Previous Conference
2022 EASE International Conference held in Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea on July 25-26, 2022
The theme of the EASE 2022 was “Broadening the horizons of science education for new global challenges and opportunities”
* Conference Site: https://ease2022.kr/